The Art of Business

Today’s artist has to master their craft, think like an entrepreneur, and market their work. It sounds like a lot—because it is. But staying true to the vocational call of being an artist does not have to mean going without pay. This day-long Saturday workshop taught by experienced and knowledgeable leaders is designed to give artists the tools and resources to excel in their work, build a business, and fulfill their calling as a creative.

In Art of Business we will explore business models, entrepreneurship, finding gaps in the market, what it looks like to understand who you are as an artist, and developing the audience you want and the brand you need.

Art of Business is designed to

1. Help artists learn to think like entrepreneurs

2. Give them the practical tools they need to transition from “starving artist” to a small-business owner.

Past Sessions Include

Thinking like an Entrepreneur 

Are artists entrepreneurs? This session focuses on understanding business models, entrepreneurship, and finding gaps in the market.

Making Money - Finances

The most common question perplexing artists of all disciplines, "How much should I price this for?" doesn't need to be a stab in the dark. Understanding taxes, budgeting, and funding sources are the bedrock of going from starving to thriving.

Creative Voice - Storytelling for Artists

Finding a gap in the market requires artists to understand both the field they fit into and what makes their creative voice unique. The way artists craft the stories of their work connects them to their audience.

Getting the Word Out - Branding & Marketing

From websites to business cards, this session will consider what it looks like to have a cohesive branding and marketing strategy and how can that be used to actively connect with your audience. 

Past Workshops